Sunday, January 15, 2017

Happy New Year

Yes I know, it's already January 15th so what?
I figured out that i couldn't start the new year with a new post without writing about wishes and shit. So yeah, a new year started 2 weeks ago, didn't do anything fancy, just the 2 of us, some champagne and home made sushis and it was perfect.
I do not wish anything extremely complicated for 2017, i just wish that we'll finally finish up with the house and move in there this summer.
As for the resolutions, i'd love to say that i'll write at least twice a month in this blog but let's be honest, with a baby and work starting again soon, that'll most likely won't happen. Even if i had all the time in the world like right now, since i'm still on maternity leave, i don't find the energy or the will to write. Too bad. My laziness will certainly have the best of me.

Anyways, to a beautiful 2017. May it brings you happiness, love, health and peace of mind.

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