Friday, September 25, 2009

Wii-Fit and Me

My friend Ivonne's daughter has a Wii. I first thought it was like a PlayStation or a Nintendo but no. Not really. OK not at all. OK maybe a bit.

I love video games, always did, even bought a Nintendo NES, waaaaaay back, loved to play Mario Bros, screamed like a nutcase when i finally managed to deliver the princess and was very much in love with 2D. I even remember the big "competition" between the Mario's fans and the Sony the Hedgehog's fans ... Making you feel old? Haha.
Then came some more elaborated stuff and along with it, the dreadful 3D. I was fine with the shoot'em up games and the platform ones. When Mario could suddenly go deeper inside my TV, that was just too much for me. With the tri-dimensional video-games came my complete loss of interest. Or maybe was it because of my age? Hmm.

As you probably already know, i don't own a TV let alone a games console. But i have heard about the Wii and was slightly intrigued. So when Ivonne told me that she had played Mario Kart on her daughter's Wii, i told her that i NEEDED to play too!

Talking about 3D ... Holy crap. Wii really is something different. And even though i must say i didn't lose all my abilities at video-games, there was some serious ass-kicking going on that day. All done by an 8 years old ... I am getting old what can i say?

What i didn't know, is that Wii is also a little more than just games. They now have the Wii-Fit. Just the name should have made me wince. And when i got offered to make my Wii-Fit profile, i really should have just said no. A plain flat no. But no. You don't offend an 8 years old who's created your Wii character cuz you're mom's friend. You should see the digital wii-me. Hilariously resembling. Short hair, in a mohawk (haha), blue eyes, white pants and purple shirt. How more like me can it be? Incredible.

So yeah, i hopped on the wii-stepper to get my wii-fit profile made. Which means that, on top of telling me how much i weight (we made sure we all did that BEFORE we stuffed ourselves with my chocolate birthday cake!) and what's the percentage of fat i'm carrying around, i'm also gonna know my wii-fit age. What's that? Well, you put in the wii-computer that you are 32 years old and then you do balance tests, and reaction tests, and reflex tests, and coordination tests to determine what is your wii-fit age.

Calculating ...

You're wii-fit age is 33. Uuuuuuuffffff thank god. Not too bad. One year difference.
When Ivonne's got evaluated 39 years old (she's 32 in reality), her sister 65 (she's 35) and her brother in law 45 (he's 36), i realized that, on top of being the youngest, i was also the fittest! And just to make sure it stays this way, i shovelled down half of the chocolate cake and a huge Big Mac Meal tonight. Hahaha.

But may this blog be my witness. Today, Sept 24th, 2009 was my LAST McDonald's meal and my LAST glass of soda of the year. I know it's a bit radical but i have some serious ass-kicking to do next time i hop on the wii-fit. And we shall all see the return of Digital Me ...

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