Monday, August 10, 2009

Lost In Translation

I do translations for my brother. He's the editor of a stunt/motorbike mag in french called Street Monsters ( and since most of his articles are coming from the States or England, i end up translating shit for him. It's not that bad, it's just a bit technical sometimes. Which is good in a way you know, at least i know all those bad ass macho words such as camshaft, axle, piston engine, hub and other slave cylinder! Of course i don't know what a camshaft is! I said i know the WORD (and the translation in french), i never said i knew what it was! Helloooo!

Since i have very often agreed on doing "works" received today to be ready for yesterday, there has been some noticeable improvements in my status ... i am now an official Street Monster "employee" (si, si, check the staff list online!). Well, i am working twice as much as before so tonight, i am officially asking for a raise. I want a raise. Now.
Ah. This is voluntary work? So i don't get paid for it? What? Bollocks! I want my money back! Ah no, that's not the right line ... Never mind ... Can't remember who told me NOT to keep business within the family. I really should have paid more attention that day!

Well tonight, i am very much struggling with my third translation of the month. I can't seem to see the end of these 6 pages. SIX pages o_O and not even half way through ... Aaaaargh!

The problem i generally run into is time. I mean i always leave everything to the last minute. OK i have until Monday to do it? What day is is today? Sunday? Yeah, still have time.
What i tend to forget is that France is 7 hours ahead of Mexico thus even if it's still Sunday here, Monday is already well on its way there. My brother/boss will be waking up in maybe 3 hours at the most, expecting his translation that is yet to be done! HEEELP.

I know, if i wasn't wasting time blogging and chatting, damn translation could be done, read-proof and sent. I'm on it. I AM ON IT (jeeeez cool off you guys, i still have 3 hours before big brother/boss wakes up!)

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