Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Can Watch Porn Again!

It was a quiet cooler morning today and i thought it was the perfect combination to start unpacking my mess but most of anything, to plug in my PC and start downloading nice tunes for my car. And since the game between Paraguay and Japan was deadly boring, i had absolutely no excuse whatsoever.

Except that it's now been 3 hours that my PC is now connected and i've left everything else planted in the middle of my Hiroshima-after-the-bomb looking living room. Why? Cuz i was finally able to download those tunes i've been singing for the past month or so because i have the program installed on my PC and banned from my work's laptop. There is only so much you can do with your work computer. Like downloading non-work related materials or program. Like watching porn as well (which let's be honest, a ban on this or that site never stopped anybody from watching porn anyway). I found the place in my laptop from work where they put the list of the banned sites, most of them porn. But my favorite porn site wasnt on the list. And no, i'm not gonna drop the IP here, i'll keep it for myself. I was just illustrating my theory with an example. If you want to watch porn and there are bans in your company computer, sorry systems people, there is always a way around. Now the tricky part, is not to get caught. And i mean don't be stupid either, do it at home ;)
Like me.
What? I watch porn? Yes of course i do. I mean come on, don't be prudish, everybody that doesnt have a regular to share a bed does. Or should. Same as masturbation. Yes i touch myself what's your problem with that?

So anyway, my personal PC is now connected to my fabulous fast internet connection and i so enjoyed it up until now by finding friends on Facebook that i havent seen in 18-20 years (friends from PRIMARY SCHOOL, talking about a hit in the face with all those years), watching the game Spain-Portugal and last but not least (no, not porn), writing this all over the place again post.

All of that to say that being able to finally use my personal own computer filled me with this huge sensation of freedom. I dont have to be careful on what page i open, what link i clink on, what picture i download on. I can just be myself without apologizing for it (nor that i would anway).
Hope you'll enjoy the newly out-there-again me.


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